How Our Tutoring Work

The Plan

We build off of our initial diagnostic during your FREE trial session, developing a better picture of who you are as a test taker and what you need. We’ve already got our initial plan of action in place, so we start working towards your test.

If you don’t already have a test that you’re registered for, we’re going to work on figuring out which is best for you, a lot goes into that determination:

If you’re a math person, the SAT may be best for you, depending on how you respond to the nuance of the math sections and the subtlety and complexity of the reading comp.

If you’re a verbal person, the ACT may be best for you, depending on how you handle the speed of the exam, particularly the reading. How you feel/perform on analytical reading, particularly exhibits (charts, tables, and graphs) is an important consideration.

While it’s often true that math people are better off on the SAT and verbal people are better off on the ACT, it’s also often false. We’re going to weigh the pros and cons carefully—and your opinion is most important.


We’ll work directly with your student for scheduling, getting homework done, and hitting goals. It’s not that we want you out of the process (in fact, we encourage parent contact); we’ve found that we get the best results by treating our students as adults and having them be accountable to us. It’s also great practice for managing professional relationships down the line.


Your child will work with me and our subject experts, and we’ll spend time where it’s needed for as long as it’s needed. We observe and evaluate constantly, listening to the student and tracking their performance as they grow as a test taker. We evaluate strategies and approaches until we have a perfect fit for your student so that taking the test feels natural to them. We don’t want your student to feel like you have to remember a ton of strategies and problem types. The strategies should be extensions of how they think, invisible to the min application.


Your student’s stress level about the ACT/SAT drops, and their anxieties about the future lessen. They understand the test and are more competent and prepared. On test day, they feel confident and in control, and their test score reflects that.
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